Omsons GlasswareLaboratory ProductsAlcoholAlcohol Proof Scale Internal Revenue Specifications

Alcohol Proof Scale Internal Revenue Specifications

2339 – 2350 Alcohol Tralle & Proof Scales w/ Thermometer Safety BLUE



2339 – 2350 Alcohol Proof Scale Internal Revenue Specifications

Cat. No Proof Range I.R. Size Subdivision Tolerance Approx. Length
2339 80 to 120% B 0.5% ±0.5% 230
2340 0 to 20% F 0.2% ±0.3% 305
2341 20 to 40% G 0.2% ±0.4% 305
2342 40 to 60% H 0.2% ±0.4% 305
2343 60 to 80% I 0.2% ±0.3% 305
2344 75 to 95% K 0.2% ±0.3% 305
2345 90 to 110% L 0.2% ±0.3% 305
2346 105 to 125% M 0.2% ±0.3% 305
2347 125 to 145% N 0.2% ±0.3% 305
2348 145 to 165% P 0.2% ±0.3% 305
2349 165 to 185% Q 0.2% ±0.2% 305
2350 185 to 206% R 0.2% ±0.2% 305