Omsons GlasswareLaboratory ProductsBrix (°Bx)Brix w Thermometer Safety-BLUE °c

Brix w Thermometer Safety-BLUE °c

2211 – 2225 Brix w Thermometer Safety-BLUE °c

• Thermometer Scale: 0 to +50°C (Subdivision: 1°C)



2211 – 2225 Brix w Thermometer Safety-BLUE °c 

Cat.No. Brix Range Subdivision Length (mm)
2211 0 to 12° 0.1° 370
2212 9 to 21° 0.1° 370
2213 19 to 31° 0.1° 370
2214 29 to 41° 0.1° 370
2215 39 to 51° 0.1° 370
2216 49 to 61° 0.1° 370
2217 59 to 71° 0.1° 370
2218 69 to 81° 0.1° 370
2219 79 to 91° 0.1° 370
2220 0 to 35° 0.5° 370
2221 35 to 70° 0.5° 370
2222 0 to 70° 1.0° 370
2223 -5 to 5° 0.1° 370
2224 5 to 15° 0.1° 370
2225 15 to 25° 0.1° 370